"The whole place still stinks of dragon," he grumbled to himself, "and it makes me sick. And cram is beginning simply to stick in my throat."

He had by now had more than enough of the Mountain, and being besieged inside it was not at all to his taste. Bilbo, of course, disapproved of the whole turn of affairs. So grim had Thorin become, that even if they had wished, the others would not have dared to find fault with him but indeed most of them seemed to share his mind-except perhaps old fat Bombur and Fili and Kili. You may eat that, if you will!" With that the messengers departed swiftly, and the dwarves were left to consider their case. We will bear no weapons against you, but we leave you to your gold. Din followed his grandfather, Grr, in lordship after Nin was killed by the great Orc chieftain Azog during the Battle of Azanulbizar, the. The King Beneath The Mountains: A Poem From The Hobbit The King Beneath The. He was a Dwarven King of Durin's Folk, the fifth King under the Mountain, and the Lord of the Iron Hills during the War of the Ring in Middle-earth. View Essay - thekingbeneaththemountains from ENG 122 at Ashford University. You shall not depart from it, until you call on your side for a truce and a parley. Din II Ironfoot (or King Din), the son of Nin and great-grandson of Din I of Durin's Folk. '"Since such is your answer," he called in return, "I declare the Mountain besieged. It smote into his shield and stuck there quivering. From that portion Bard will himself contribute to the aid of Esgaroth but if Thorin would have the friendship and honour of the lands about, as his sires had of old, then he will give also somewhat of his own for the comfort of the men of the Lake." Then Thorin seized a bow of horn and shot an arrow at the speaker. At the least he shall deliver one twelfth portion of the treasure unto Bard, as the dragon-slayer, and as the heir of Girion. "In the name of Esgaroth and the Forest," one cried, "we speak unto Thorin Thrain's son Oakenshield, calling himself the King under the Mountain, and we bid him consider well the claims that have been urged, or be declared our foe.

Ere many hours were past, the banner-bearers returned, and trumpeters stood forth and blew a blast: Gather your wisdom ere we return!" Then he departed and went back to the camp. "We will give you time to repent your words. 1 The Kingdom under the Mountain was founded by Thrin I the Old, who discovered the Arkenstone there. T 3 Dale, a town of Men built between the two southern spurs of Erebor, grew in harmony with the dwarves. "The Elvenking is my friend, and he has succoured the people of the Lake in their need, though they had no claim but friendship on him," answered Bard. In the latter days of the Third Age, this Kingdom under the Mountain held one of the largest dwarvish treasure hoards in Middle-earth. Chapter 15 The Gathering of the Clouds - 06 Weta continues the legacy of producing finely crafted, highly detailed collectible polystone statues from Middle-earth. He lets Bilbo go back to Bard with a curse, and Gandalf chides him, You are not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain, and the reader would.